Tagged: fabric

Woven Fabric Display

A 6m long and 25cm wide woven Electroluminescent (EL) display has been created by an international team of researchers. An excellent and detailed paper describing the work has been published in Nature. (more…)

Google and Levis announce smart urban cycle jacket


16 years after the Philips/Levi’s jacket, Levi’s have returned to electronic garments. Together with Google they have announced, at the recent Google I/O, a smart jacket for urban cyclists. The jacket uses the touch pad developed by Google’s project jacquard to enable gesture control of a bluetooth linked smart phone. In the following video an urban cyclist heading through San Francisco puts the jacket through its paces. (more…)

Embroidered antennas promise improved reception


Various fabric antennas for incorporation in garments have been around since 2000 (early example). The topic has been revisited by scientists at Ohio State University who can use high precision embroidery to generate antennas in the microwave frequency. (more…)

Fabric exosuit could make trekking a breeze


When we think of an exoskeleton we usually think of rigid frameworks with hydraulic joints. Well a team at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have attempted to make a soft exoskeleton through the use of fabric. (more…)